A summer is waiting
Sidenvägen has been a place where things during the spring have been quite intensive for various reasons - nice but intensive! At present our vacation has recently started and is in its first reach. During this period we will try to bring some of our projects together. Next vacation period for us will be in the end of July and beginning of August. The 12th of July Åsa will have her birthday. The same week and the week after, we will be engaged in Arken’s grand summer conference – the Miracle conference. This year our church has two great events. First of all – we have bought a new building and will inaugurate the new premises. Second – our church also celebrates 20 years jubilee. We sincerely hope that we will have lots of opportunities during this summer, to come together or hear from all of you that is our closest friends. We whish you all good and a blessed summer until we hear from each other again…
Greetings from…
Åsa, Bengt, Jonathan (9), Salomon (6) och Gabriel (3).