Friday, January 02, 2009

Merry Christmas - and Happy New Year!

We have had an exiting and intensive year behind us. We hope that it has been the same for all of you that we know as well! With these simple rows we want to whish you all a really Happy New Year 2009 and hope for the privilege to meet or hear from you soon again.

Best wishes!

From us at Sidenvägen, Sweden!!!

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Autumn vacation or???

Autumn vacation ended up with a brand new driveway. Our friend Lise Lotte Nordberg took the initiative to gather a whole gang of dear friends to bless us with a new driveway. This was worth so much more than words can ever describe, but we want to thank you all for the time and love that you have shared by this fantastic act of yours. We love you, and you are always welcome to visit us. Once again... Thank you, Thank you, and Thank you!!! We whish you the blessings of God - warm greetings from the whole clan of Dahlberg...

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Summer at last...

…or rather a flashback over the events of the summer. This year we had a cosy summer at home. The past summer, last year, we travelled through our long kingdom. It was costly, but lovely. This year it had to be a budget summer, but in every way a pleasant such. We had a moment of vacation after the summer bible school and a little bit longer moment after our Miracle conference. Midsummer was for the first time in many years placed at grandma’s residence in Vesslingby. It was a very nice but rainy event. You can not, however, see on the video how much it actually rained, but small glimpse is notable anyway. After the Miracle festival our beloved guys stayed at grandma’s place, and took all kinds of swimming badges. There was a lot of bathing in other words. Then we where home and had a few outings in the lovely town of Stockholm, further more throwing a lot of garbage out of our house and finally end our leisure time building a soapbox car. That is... Jonathan, Solomon and Gabriel - with an utterly little part of assistance from daddy. It is possible to fill a summer without any travelling at all, we assure! ; ) (It could have been a little bit longer though...)

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


After an intensive week in Estonia, Bengt has returned home. It was an exiting and intensive week, both at home with Åsa and the kids, as well as for the team that Bengt had with him to Estonia. Everything went on allright anyway. You can read more about Bengts travel to Estonia on his blog. You will also find a link to a trailer there that will give you a short insight in the things that happened during the trip.

Monday, May 12, 2008

The stone was never thrown

The 10th of May, did we have our yearly testimony marathon, which this year was held at Normalmstorg in Stockholm. Since Bengt was i full preparation regarding his trip to Estonia, he could not be there. Åsa was leading worship and minister people. Many came to listen to the encouraging testimonies and were receiving help through prayer from Arken’s intercessors.

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Jesus manifestation

We have an exiting spring and summer ahead to us! A few days ago, the Jesus manifestation was taking place, where 12000 Christians from the whole nation of Sweden came together in different places in Stockholm, the capital of Sweden. The day had its final in Kungsträdgården in the midst of Stockholm City. It was a remarkable silence in the media, which of course is quite notable - since this definitely is a much greater event than the Pride festival is even coming close to. Do not hesitate to take a look at the video, which Jonathan has edited. The organisation behind the Jesus manifestation, also have a trailer available at their homepage for the one who would like to have more insight in this yearly event.

Editing Jonathan: Our personal movie from the manifestation

The official site for the Jesus manifestation

Monday, March 24, 2008

Christ is risen!

Christ is risen!

We want to whish all a really joyful Easter (pesach) – the exodus of Israel from the captivity in Egypt and the exodus of mankind from the captivity that held us departed from our God. We are so grateful for our Lord and Savior, his act on Calvary.

An active winter lies behind and we look forward to an exiting spring. Bengt will travel to one of Arkens outposts in Helsinki during April (19-20th). It would be nice to meet all of you that live in that area and connect with you during that visit. In May will Bengt continue to travel – at that time in Estonia. He will travel around and preach in different churches during that week (12-19th). We will connect to many new contacts and we look forward to meet all the new friends we have come in contact with there. The 3rd of May there will be a big Jesus manifestation in Stockholm – please come and join us if you have possibility! Arken is the head-coordinator for the churches that will go from Humleträdgården, so if you come then we will meet! The 10th of May will we continue with a marathon testimony day on Sergels Torg in Stockholm City. Meet us even there if you have the possibility. We look forward to meet you!

Many warm Easter greetings from our family!

Åsa, Bengt, Jonathan (11), Solomon (8) and Gabriel (4)