Monday, March 24, 2008

Christ is risen!

Christ is risen!

We want to whish all a really joyful Easter (pesach) – the exodus of Israel from the captivity in Egypt and the exodus of mankind from the captivity that held us departed from our God. We are so grateful for our Lord and Savior, his act on Calvary.

An active winter lies behind and we look forward to an exiting spring. Bengt will travel to one of Arkens outposts in Helsinki during April (19-20th). It would be nice to meet all of you that live in that area and connect with you during that visit. In May will Bengt continue to travel – at that time in Estonia. He will travel around and preach in different churches during that week (12-19th). We will connect to many new contacts and we look forward to meet all the new friends we have come in contact with there. The 3rd of May there will be a big Jesus manifestation in Stockholm – please come and join us if you have possibility! Arken is the head-coordinator for the churches that will go from Humleträdgården, so if you come then we will meet! The 10th of May will we continue with a marathon testimony day on Sergels Torg in Stockholm City. Meet us even there if you have the possibility. We look forward to meet you!

Many warm Easter greetings from our family!

Åsa, Bengt, Jonathan (11), Solomon (8) and Gabriel (4)

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Winter vacation in north of Sweden

Hi! We have added some videos connected to this article...


Watch the movie: NorthWinter2008 - Part 1

Watch the movie: NorthWinter2008 - Part 2

The 23rd of February we went to the winterland of the north, to be more specific the recreation paradise Älvsbyn. It should become an action filled trip, which started already at our home on Sidenvägen. The final connection for us to catch the train for Älvsbyn, was carefully planned, but during some unfortunately circumstances we almost missed that connection. Anyhow, to make a long story short, thanks to one of our dear friends, Peter, we did make it anyway.

When we arrived to Stockholm, we had about 10 minutes to change platform, where the train that should take us up to Älvsbyn was waiting. So we had all the time we needed ; ), but on the stairs up to that platform Bengt's face turns white and his eyebrows gets this tens look. He turns to Åsa, whom is just behind him and asks: ”did you get the tickets with you to Älvsbyn?”…

Åsa thought, by her full rights, that this was Bengt's task to see to and Bengt agreed, but nevertheless – the tickets still did lay on the kitchen table at home and the conductor we met when we had taken the last three steps up to the platform, looked even more unhappy – since we did not have any information regaring our compartment on the train. We prayed (to God). In some miraculas way the reservation number turned up and we had the great previlage to go with the train to Älvsbyn anyway – though we where in lack of ticets.
Mr Bean – go find yourself a new job…

At last when we arrived to Älvsbyn we was quartered at Aunt Elaine and made daily outings between trudging snow together with Cousin Stefan.

Our first day was a trip to the big city Luleå and Magnus and Erika. (Magnus is also a cousin for you that does not know the family tree of Dahlberg). There we were blessed with all good things you can imagine, enough to keep us satisfied for the whole week in Älvsbyn. We should however have everything every day of what we needed, so this week can only be expressed in one way – we where in lack of nothing for our satisfaction, not in the matter of good food, fantastic fellowship or in any matter regarding lack of being engaged. During two days we spent time to racing scooter. Furthermore during the weak we played the card game Uno and so on… The evenings was filled with action and we had two tremendous days in Ryggberg, a cottage in the forest, where Bengts grandma and her siblings has growing up as children• Today it is a place where the Hansons/Anderssons relatives often meets.

Stefan took us to a couple of his friends later on, Magnus and Lotta with children. They had the ultimate sledge slope for children in every age (0-100), directly connected to their balcony. Thank you Magnus and Lotta for your great hospitality!

By accident a dotter to one of Bengts further cousins came to visit that night, Christina, whom therefore is the second cousin to Jonathan, Salomon and Gabriel. For you that do not know about it, Bengt has a countless number of cousins on his father’s side - which most of them he has never met, but very much would like to meet. This was the first time Bengt and Christina met. Her dad (Bengts cousin) has still not yet met each other, but had the privilege to speak with one and other over phone this evening. It is a good start and maybe the opportunity to meet as well soon will come.

Before the home trip we also made a visit to the chain of stores Claes Ohlson in Luleå – the most well-assorted Claes Ohlsson store in all of Sweden, moreover the working place for Cousin Magnus. Sadly to say, the week went away to fast, but the trip home should invite more excitement. A trip that starts with action needs to end with action!

In the morning when the restaurant on the train had opened, Bengt went there to buy a cup of morning coffee. Somewhere between Gävle and Stockholm, they called out in the speakers on the train that they had found a wallet, which should be returned by description. When Bengt started to seek after his wallet he found out that it was gone. How lucky that they already had found it – even before we had noticed it being gone! That was our belief until we saw that it was someone else’s wallet they had found… It seemed as it was a qualified gang of mugger that where traveling with the same train! Bengts wallet was no where to find. Through a numbers of calls Bengt managed to block all of his credit cards before anyone had been able to use them anyway. And when we came home – to our surprise – this gang of pickpocket thief’s had been kind enough to return the wallet, well hidden and deep down in one of our suitcases ; ) – Mr Bean – go and find yourself another job – Bengt has arrived!