Wednesday, December 20, 2006

A King is born! Jesus our Lord!

With this we want to whish you all a Merry Merry Christmas and a Good New Year! We hope that it will be a celebration for everyone, where the fellowship with Jesus will bring our thoughts close too him this Christmas. To the stable where he was born, shepherds and wise men came to bring forth gifts – gold, frankincense and myrrh. But the greatest gift in that stable was above all still the Lord Jesus himself. He not only gave his own life as a gift to us by allowing himself to be born in this world, He than lived during the same conditions that we do and let himself be nailed on a cross. Not since He had done something wrong, because with Jesus there where no sin. No, instead it was for us that He took the punishment, so that we should have life. He is the one who wants to fill our lives with meaning and essence. He is the same today, as He where then and always will be for all eternity! A king is borne! Jesus our Lord! Thank you Lord for giving yourself to us! Let our lives become a reflection, of Your glory, back to You, during these Christmas days. We also would like to express our gratefulness to all of you that is our friends, and whom we appreciate so tremendous much. Could it be so, that we will have the possibility to meet you or hear from you this Christmas – if not we really do want to whish you all the very best!

Mery Christmas from Åsa, Bengt, Jonathan, Salomon & Gabriel…